Australian Native Plants

  Melaleuca leucadendra (Weeping Paperbark)

Melaleuca leucadendra photo
Melaleuca leucadendra flowerrs

Photograph by Marwan Mohamad. Some rights reserved.    (view image details)

Melaleuca leucadendra photo
Melaleuca leucadendra foliage at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Photograph by Eug. License: Public Domain.    (view image details)

Melaleuca leucadendra photo
Melaleuca leucadendra foliage at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Photograph by Eug. License: Public Domain.    (view image details)


distribution map showing range of Melaleuca leucadendra in Australia

Map is from The Atlas of Living Australia web site, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License

Common Name
Weeping Paperbark

Other Names
Long-Leaved Paperbark, White Paperbark

The Weeping Paperbark is a large tree growing to 20 m tall (sometimes taller). The bark is white or cream and papery. The leaves are narrow and sometimes curved, and grow 8 cm to 25 cm long and about 1 cm to 4 cm wide. The plant flowers throughout the year. The flowers are cream or pale creamy green and produced in spikes up to 8 cm long and 3 cm in diameter. The fruit capsules are about 4 mm long.

forests near waterways

Weeping Paperbark is found in northern Australia in Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory. It is also found in the Torres Strait Islands, Indonesia and New Guinea.

Growth Characteristics
Height: 10m - 30m

Common Name:Weeping Paperbark

Relatives in same Genus
  Melaleuca acuminata
  Melaleuca adnata
  Melaleuca alternifolia
  Melaleuca argentea
  Melaleuca armillaris
  Melaleuca aspalathoides
  Melaleuca barlowii
  Melaleuca blaeriifolia
  Melaleuca bracteata
  Melaleuca brevifolia
  Melaleuca bromelioides
  Melaleuca calothamnoides
  Melaleuca calycina
  Melaleuca campanae
  Melaleuca cardiophylla
  Melaleuca carrii
  Melaleuca coccinea
  Melaleuca concreta
  Melaleuca conothamnoides
  Melaleuca cordata
  Melaleuca cucullata
  see A-Z list for more ...